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Praia do Forte
Praia do Forte, this one-time sleepy fishing village, just 80 kms north of Salvador was discovered as a holiday home destination for the Salvador set in the 80´s, and has since mushroomed into one of Brazil´s most sought after destinations. While there are many that will hanker after the way it used to be not so long ago prior to its emergence as one of Brazil´s most important eco- tourism destinations, Praia do Forte now offers an extensive variety of excellent hotels and pousadas, restaurants and bars, to suit all budgets. What were once fishermen's homes have been converted to a myriad of stores some bearing nationally famous brands. The inauguration of the highly successful Tamar Sea Turtle Preservation Project has been instrumental in the attracting travelers to the region.

The Bahian coast is world famous as a nesting ground for the humpback whale (megaptera novaeangliae). Their main physical characteristic is the extremely long pectoral fins which can measure up to 5 metres. The humback though is one of the most endangered species on the planet, the one-time population of 150,000 is now estimated to be 35,000.